Entries by Harrison Broadaway

BME Dept. Art Photo Contest

Congratulations to Harrison on placing 3rd in the annual BME Art Photo Contest! He utilized post-imaging processing to create a color overlay on SEM micrographs of polycaprolactone scaffolds.

2024 World Biomaterials Congress

The Taylor Lab was well represented at the 2024 World Biomaterials Congress in Daegu, Korea from May 26th-31st! Harrison and Kari both had posters presented on their behalf by Dr. Taylor, who also served as the co-chair of the “New PI in Biomaterials Research” session. It was a wonderful opportunity to see all the biomaterials […]

Spring ’24 End-of-Semester Gathering

The Taylor Lab celebrated the end of the spring semester by playing laser tag at the arcade! We had a wonderful time having all the undergraduate students together under one roof and socializing as a lab before a busy summer. We also recognized our graduating lab members! Congratulations to Andrea (B.A.), Samhita (B.A.), Sebastian (M.S.), […]

BME GSC Officer Elections

Congratulations to our doctoral students on their recently elected officer positions in the Biomedical Engineering – Graduate Student Committee! We are so proud of their impact in the community and are excited to see what all they accomplish this upcoming year! President: Harrison Broadaway Professional Development: Mariah Turner Philanthropy Chair: Kariman Shama